Sunday, September 03, 2006

I just love to beat that dead horse

Harry Potter is under attack again! Who from this time? From Voldemort? Not until the last book, silly. From illiterate helicopter parents? Nope, surprisingly enough. The Pope? Close. Actually, the latest accusations being levelled at Harry Potter and JK Rowling are being made by Gabriele Amorth. Who is that, you may (and probably will) ask? Well, he is the Pope's Chief Exorcist. Yep. I don't even know what so say. You should read the article where he accuses Harry Potter of bearing "the signature of the king of the darkness, the devil" and condoning "the satanic art" of magic.

Read it yet? Good. What else can be said on the matter? Harry Potter, just like all major works of a fantastical nature, should be taken with a grain of salt. Seriously, it has it's own genre: fiction. Fiction means, for the more feeble-minded among us, means 'not real.' It upsets me a little when people who couldn't imagine their way out of a bishop's mitre attack such a clever work of creative prose. So my thoughts turned to the man making such ignorant bleats into the infosphere.

Such a downright convivial spirit must be researched, so I looked up our mutual friend on Wikipedia. Now, I am a Christian and do believe in powers that cannot be seen but to have claimed to have 30,000 exorcisms under your belt seems a bit lofty, even for an 81 year-old geriatric spiritual behemoth. And as for Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin being possessed by the Devil? Well, I never knew 'em but I have my doubts, and I'll leave it at that. I did get kick at how his favorite movie is, of course, The Exorcist. I suppose that's sort of like Bob Rogetsky, accountant, loving that summer blockbuster The CPA 2: Filing Your Tax Returns for the Last Time. Anyway, I'm out. Oh, and this one goes out to Our friend Gabby Amorth:

Just another day in the life, eh?

Impulsive? Nay, spontaneous!

I just went against my usual think-it-through nature and up and bought a Mac computer. Yup, a G3 laptop. Actually, oddly enough, I bought mine from the same vendor as did a friend of mine. Same product, I believe. And you know what kids? I am totally jazzed because now I can be all multimedia, if it's safe to use that as an adjective, and I believe it is. My friend will hopefully be able to hook me up with all of that software that makes Macs so worthwhile. In roughly a week I'll be making movies, writing songs, and being as SmugArt as I can. Why? Well, because that's what you do when you have a Mac. You pretend to be superior in all manners of cool. And I, my friends, plan on playing that particular bit to the hilt.

Macs are so sexy. You can tell because Jason Long plays the persona of the Mac, where as Jon Hodgeman is the non-Mac. If that is not a definative and categorically truthful answer, I know not what the truth is!

The Always Awkward First Post

I figured my first post should be something historic, of epic quality. What better than to discuss a similarly monumental moment in human history? What could be this important, you ask? Well, what I am talking about is obviously the newly-slated Bruce Lee theme park in China. Yes, Reader, that's right. There is going to be an actual Bruce Lee theme park with possibly the greatest two things to grace a theme park in human existence: a giant statue of Bruce Lee, in which are controlled the small army of "mannequin robots" that will be patrolling the park for security purposes. A giant Bruce Lee in whose shadow a horde of Lee look-a-like sentry robots? What could be better?! Aside from a free and democratic China, I got nothing.