Sunday, September 03, 2006

Impulsive? Nay, spontaneous!

I just went against my usual think-it-through nature and up and bought a Mac computer. Yup, a G3 laptop. Actually, oddly enough, I bought mine from the same vendor as did a friend of mine. Same product, I believe. And you know what kids? I am totally jazzed because now I can be all multimedia, if it's safe to use that as an adjective, and I believe it is. My friend will hopefully be able to hook me up with all of that software that makes Macs so worthwhile. In roughly a week I'll be making movies, writing songs, and being as SmugArt as I can. Why? Well, because that's what you do when you have a Mac. You pretend to be superior in all manners of cool. And I, my friends, plan on playing that particular bit to the hilt.

Macs are so sexy. You can tell because Jason Long plays the persona of the Mac, where as Jon Hodgeman is the non-Mac. If that is not a definative and categorically truthful answer, I know not what the truth is!

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